Grades of oak
The grades of oak for a parquet floor refers to the level of selection of the strips before they are manufactured.
The wood used to make parquet strips naturally contains characteristics (knots, sapwood, colour variations). Wood strips can therefore be sorted according to the characteristics present in the wood. The choice of wood is a purely aesthetic sorting criterion and has no impact on the quality of the wood or the lifespan of the floor. Wood is a natural material. You will never find two identical strips, as each parquet strip will have its own unique characteristics.
Here are the different types grades of oak offered by Design Parquet:

Small knots, up to 10 mm of diameter. Sapwoodless. Colours relatively uniform.
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Prime parquet.

Small knots, up to 15 mm of diameter. Sapwoodless.
Colours relatively uniform.
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Prime-Bis parquet.

Knots up to 15 mm, light sapwood, variation of colours.
Grade between 130 and 180 mm.
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Confort parquet.

Without sapwood. Unlimited knots up to 25mm for strips < 120 mm and up to 40 mm diameter on large strips (>120 mm).
Discolouration allowed.
Unfinished wood flooring square edge = open knots not filled and not sanded.
Unfinished 4 bevels = filled and not sanded.
Finished wood flooring = filled knots
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Rustic parquet.

Knots with unlimited and various sizes with wormhole limited.
Pierced and crossed knots.
Discolouration allowed. Cracks are limited to 50 mm in end’s strip. Healthy sapwood is tolerated limitless.
Unfinished wood flooring square edge = open knots not filled and not sanded /Unfinished parquet 4 bevels = filled and not sanded / Finished wood flooring = filled knots
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Campagne parquet.

Knots with unlimited and various sizes.
Sapwood and variation of color are tolerated.
Unlimited cracks and splits of 25mm are accepted.
Distortion surface are authorized (sligth band saw marks).
Wormhole limited. Black filling color.
Parquet only LOFT PRO (engineered). Allowed flaky grain.
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Sauvage parquet.

Sapwood grading with knots up to 15 mm and important colour variation.
This grade is only for strips from 50 to 90 mm width.
Here’s a look at a parquet floor with a choice of Nature parquet.
Do you need advice on the choice of grades oak for your parquet floor? Contact our specialists for your interior design project.